Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Post 5

I may not have traveled as far as China but moving from Novato, California to Chicago, Illinois was a huge change for me. I no longer needed a car to get around and I have never lived so far away from my parents. Most of my friends went to colleges in California and could easily drive back home for a weekend. However, I wanted to go somewhere that was new and was an actual city. I was really excited to move to Chicago but I wasn't excited about the coming weather change. I constantly got worried about getting lost or getting off the train at a bad part of Chicago. The thing that scared me the most about moving to Chicago was making new friends.

I had to adjust a lot if I wanted live in Chicago and become a permanent resident. Like Peter Hessler I had to be patient with myself and push myself to be more open with people I hardly knew and to also be patient with them too. I may have not had a difference in language like Hessler but I was really good at being a loner and if you’re a loner you usually don't like to go out and do things. So I pushed myself to go outside and try to get to know the city. I got lost many times but I wasn’t scared to ask someone how to get somewhere or just get lost so that I could find some place that hardly anybody knew about. Like Hessler I was trying to become a native but sometimes I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb.

Mimi Zycherman

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