Monday, February 4, 2013

Blog #3

Since we'll  talk about alcohol consumption in class, please focus on Peter Hessler's race or the White Crane Bridge section in this response.  What especially interests you about one or both of these?  Why?

The thing I found most interesting in pages 75-100 would be the fact that it was critical for a man in Fuling to drink and have a shot of baijiu. "This was one reason why local drinking patterns were so abusive with relatively light consequences; most people were genetically unable to become alcoholics" (80). When reading this it made me very upset to know that they would like to be known as alcoholics, but have no ability to become alcoholics because of their genetic light-weight tendencies. I found it very foul and upsetting that get drunk is one of the biggest customs in Fuling. "Once or twice a week they might be able to drink heavily, but they got too sick to do it all the time. IT WAS A RITUAL RATHER THAN A HABIT" (80). I capitalized the parts that I found the most barbaric. I find that part appalling because when intentionally getting drunk, you are known as an alcoholic, in my book, it doesn't matter whether or not you continuously consume alcohol, it matters whether or not you can live without it. In their culture, it is known as a ritual, therefore they have to do it. I found this very intense and aggressive that they are making Peter and Adam be a part of it. 

Mackenzie Ogden

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