Sunday, February 17, 2013

pg 193-200

I could compare the experience that Peter had in pages 193-200 to moving into Columbia dorms and getting used to everything around me. In these seven pages, Peter is visiting Yulin and becomes quite fond of it and it's people. He loved the fact the the people in Yulin didn't stalk him and try to keep track of him like the people in Fuling did. There is a part in the selection where Peter has lunch with a group of women and all of them understand very well what he is doing visiting Yulin when he told them he had been staying in Sichuan. One thing that is very similar to his small stay in Yulin and my year long move to Chicago is that the people don't really hover over you. What I mean is that it is very obvious when someone is a visitor but no one watches you like a hawk, they hold conversations with you about where your from and things of that nature but it's not anything like the way Peter describes his experience in Sichuan. Like Peter, I found it very peaceful to be in a place where no one knew me but there was no one that was fascinated with me because I'm a visitor. He found people that he could talk to without being judged or patronized for what he has said. They understand that he is a foreigner but do not treat him like he is an alien. Moving to Chicago was somewhat of an easy transition but I wasn't the only one making that transition. Peter has people that are in Sichuan with him that experience that same thing that he does so he should never feel alone. He was able to experience Yulin culture without being the center of attention.

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