Friday, February 15, 2013

Blog #5

After you've read 150-200, read over the section from 193-200.  Write a post of 250-350 words in which you compare and contrast Peter Hessler's experience as described in 193-200 with your own experience of adjusting to a new situation, whether in visiting a totally new place, or in trying something new at home.

I can relate to Peter Hessler's experience to a certain extent. I did attend my freshman year of college in the south where I grew up. I grew up on Hilton Head Island, which is a very small island and everyone knows everyone and everyone knows everyone's business. So when looking for colleges, I clearly began looking at places nearby to where I grew up. All I had ever really known was the south. I then attended my freshman year of college at Coastal Carolina University in Myrtle Beach, SC. I enjoyed having a homey vibe, but there was a huge slab missing in my life. I realized I had chosen my school for the completely wrong reasons! I enjoyed being by the beach because I had grown up on an island and was surrounded by beach and water. I knew that if I really wanted to become an actress and follow my dream, I would have to look at bigger options here and maybe city schools. That's when my mom told me about Columbia College Chicago. Moving schools was a huge change. I was nervous because I wasn't used to the "city life." I was used to sandals, shorts, bathing suits, tanned skin, and beach days. Coming to Chicago meant a whole new wardrobe, new culture, and a whole new weather pattern. It was a huge adjustment, but I couldn't picture being back at Coastal Carolina University for a second. I would never go back to the way my life was. This change might have been the best change and decision I have ever made in my entire life. 

Mackenzie Ogden

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