Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blog Post #11

Choose one "example" that Peter Hessler develops from his experience, in this section of the book.  Explain what the example is and describe the way in which Hessler develops analysis and thought about that example.  How is his method similar to and different from your own way of developing your own essay? 

Starting on page 367, they begin talking about relationships and life goals with relationships and eventually they get into talking about divorce. When they began talking about divorce, Hessler said, "The problem is that women aren't the same as men--they still aren't equal. So a divorce affects them very much. A divorced woman has no face." (370). This line bothered me immensely because it hit me hard thinking that just because a woman is divorced means that she becomes somewhat irrelevant, but a man divorced is absolutely no big deal because man is at a higher stake than the woman. I think that his emotion towards it is pretty flat and not too invested because later on he says,  "The only honest advice I could ever think of was: Don't get married" (371). Clearly Hessler has no big input on the matter of divorce since he has no need to worry about divorce if he is admitting that he never even wants to be married. 

Mackenzie Ogden

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