Sunday, May 12, 2013

Post 9

I think that the shoeshine man reveals a darker side about Hesslers identity.  I don’t think that this means he is a mean person, but I think that this situation was just an example of the culture just finally getting to him.  It was a very human thing for Hessler to be fed up with someone finally.  It was a situation where the culture shock had finally crossed a line in Hessler’s eyes.  That being said, I still think that the shoeshine man was rude and was crossing a social boundary that shouldn’t be ok to cross anywhere in the world.  I think that I would have reacted similarly to Hessler in the same situation.  I don’t enjoy being mistreated or treated without respect.  I have been in similar situations where I have reacted in several different ways.  Some of which I think was immature for me to react the way I did, but it feels great to stand up for yourself.  This is a situation where it seems as though Hessler knew that he just has to pick his battles.  

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