Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Blog 11

On page 383 Hessler describes his experience with going back and watching the footage he took with Adam. He describes his fascination with going back and watching the video of a man who kept hitting his camera and telling him he wasn’t allowed to film there. He then described his thoughts on all the days he had spent in the city with all the different crowds of people and yet he had never had encounters like he had with that man. He then expresses his emotions as he goes back and watches that incident, he states, “I did not enjoy watching the video. Every time I saw it, something tensed in my stomach and I could feel my pulse race.” This quote gave me some good ideas as to how I should address my own essay. I don’t usually describe my own opinions and feelings as much as I think I should. After Hessler talks about his own emotions and feelings towards the video he goes off to talk about his analysis of the incident and states, “There was much that the video showed. Most painfully, it showed the mistakes that we had made, starting with drawing a crowd in a part of town that we didn’t know well. It also showed that Adam had been too nonchalant, milking the attention, and it showed that he had been disrespectful in tossing the bun across the street. It showed that I was far too quick to anger and use strong language; from the tape it seemed that man might have left me alone if I hadn’t insulted him.” This long quote inspires me so much to write my essay with the same kind of analysis. Hessler’s analysis is very thorough and seems to state everything  Adam and him could have done to prevent the incident from happening. 

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