Sunday, May 12, 2013

Post 7

In Fuling, it seems that Hessler wants to jab at the idea that Money does not mean a whole lot.  It’s nearly 8 yuan to the American dollar, and people in Fuling are only making somewhere around 400-500 yuan a month.  It’s obviously no USA, where money is everything, but it is strange to think that there is so little emphasis on money in this part of the world.  There are many things who’s way of obtaining them are through money, so I found this section quite surprising.  It has allowed me to see passed a very serious culture barrier.  Living in the US, I noticed that all I think about is money; when I want to go have fun, I need money to pay for it, when I want anything…I need to pay for it.  Of course there are always things that people need to pay for, but it just seems like people in Fuling simply don’t think the same way that I do.  Culturally, and objectively, I find it fascinating that something as crucial as money or even to broaden the spectrum, economy, has little effect to what goes on in Fuling.  

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