Monday, April 1, 2013

Post 8

Hessler focuses on certain aspects of the women in China that he finds interesting and important to understanding their role in China’s society. Hessler first begins with a comparison between Chinese men and women and how they parade their wealth. Chinese men tend to show it in very flashy ways. Women do show it with accessories but less bluntly. He also identifies Chinese men with money more than with women.  Women to him are more identified with loneliness or an unfulfilled life.

He also compares Chinese men and women with how they react toward him. With men they try to impress their friends with yelling out “Waiguoren!” or “Ha-looo!” During certain routines Hessler would rather interact with women than men. “If I went shopping and saw two people selling the same thing, I invariably went to the woman first, because there was a much lower chance that she would cheat me or mock me (279).” However, he still keeps a distance from the Chinese woman, making sure he doesn't start up a serious relationship with one of the many Chinese women he works with or sees on a regular basis.

For me this didn't seem like to much of a shock. Women tend to understand the feelings of being an outsider more than men who have constantly been part of groups or communities over the centuries. If women do one wrong thing they are quickly turned into an outsider such as divorce or cheating on their husband.

Mimi Zycherman

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