Sunday, April 14, 2013


At the beginning of this chapter Peter Hessler states “Money meant very little to me in Fuling.” This statement seems rather simple and straightforward, but as I continued to read on I realized Hessler would’ve been better off saying, “Saving money meant very little to me.” This makes more sense because obviously money was important to him otherwise he wouldn’t be able to buy books or window shop or eat out every meal like he does. I think Hessler said money didn’t mean very much because he is focused on his teaching and making a change in Fuling, rather than getting paid- especially when he is doing something he loves.
That is kind of my view on money too. I like getting it and having to spend on things for myself, but it’s not what drives me to do the jobs I do or the things I love. For many Americans, though, money does motivate them, and it typically frustrates them too. Money and wealth have so many strings attached now with taxes and temptations, it’s almost as if you wonder whether the wealth and security is all worth it.
Money can be a terribly stressful thing, and I am glad Peter Hessler is smart enough to avoid all that drama. 

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