Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blog #8

responding to 275-300
Please summarize the points Hessler is making about women in China in this section.  Then respond to what he's saying in terms of your gut reaction (thoughts and feelings) and your more considered analysis of what he's saying.

On page 275 Hessler states that "Fuling women were far more likely than men to feel isolated and frustrated." He goes on to say that money was a male quality and that men controlled most of the money in Fuling. Woman had accessories that showed they were from the upper class but these accessories were not as materialistic as what the men wore. When it came to jobs men had a greater chance of getting one than women did. My gut reaction to what Hessler is saying is that men came first and women came second in Fuling’s society. Men were considered a hierarchy than women and had the upper hand in every day-to-day living. This can possibly explain Hessler’s observation when he said, "Fuling women were far more likely than men to feel isolated and frustrated" because the men created boundaries for the women and by doing so they made women feel isolated and frustrated. 

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