Monday, January 28, 2013

What issues relating to culture do you see in these first 25 pages of River Town?  How is Peter Hessler approaching the issue of cultures or cultures in conflict?  Please respond in 250-350 words before class on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Within the first twenty-five pages of Peter Hessler’s River Town, issues surrounding Chinese culture clashes seem to be the main concern. These issues include things like the roles that women play in society, as far as what they should and should not do, and how any woman’s action will likely be scrutinized, or will not typically go unnoticed. I noticed an example of such an action when Hessler spoke of the female teacher in the story removed her jacket and tied it around her waist. In any particular and general, Western and North American setting, this action would not be thought of as anything other than, “oh she’s probably hot,” or maybe even nothing at all. Yet I found it interesting that in such a different setting than what I and many people I know are used to, this minor action almost seemed frowned upon. On one hand, this was not completely out of the ordinary to me, given that there are similar characteristics to my family’s Greek Background, but on the other hand, I am so accustom to living a completely westernized life that it would be totally shocking to my if I were to see a class full of students in shock and awe at the sight of a woman simply removing her jacket. I am intrigued to see where Hessler’s cultural explorations will take this book, and just how histories and backgrounds might change the culture of a group of people.
