Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blog post 1

In the first 25 pages of River Town, there are several issues in the Chinese cultural that are brought up. Most of the issues that struck me were about women and how they are expected to act in society. On the west side of China, women can marry and divorce, as they please. They are also known to be more sexual and open The women on the east are more conservative and refined. However, all women in the Chinese culture are known to be elegant and are to be treated with respect, no matter what part they are from. When Adam Meier, Hessler's colleague and fellow American, compliments a student on her freckles, that is taken as an embarrassment to her, because it is something that is forbidden and rude to say to women. Meier begins to tell her that it is a compliment in the American culture and not the be taken badly. Hessler showed how delicate the Chinese culture is when a simple compliment turned into an awkward and uncomfortable situation. The Chinese culture is less opened, compared to America because of their beliefs and routines they are forced to face on a daily basis. As Hessler continues his stay in China, he learns to not to be so naive when it comes to living in a different cultural lifestyle. Being the only two Americans in the city, Hessler and Meier experience a huge culture shock coming into China, just as the Chinese did when Americans came into their country.

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