Thursday, January 31, 2013

Question for 25-75

Question for 25-75:  What additional insight into culture do you gain from reading this section?  Please explain with specific references to incidents in the section.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

First 25 Pages

Throughout the first 25 pages of Peter Hessler’s River Town he lightly touches on some of the culture of China in 1997, but he mostly just writes about his observations. The experience he had with the culture that stood out to me was when the college continued to buy Peter an Adam unnecessary appliances. At first they gave them a telephone, then a new washing machine, and soon enough the college was about to take down the croquet area for a tennis court. This seemed rather generous, but then it could also just be a characteristic of Chinese culture. I do recall the Chinese being adamant about being good hosts for their guests- which Adam and Peter were in this case.
Another interesting aspect of the novel so far was when Peter had his students choose English names. This section was rather comical as the students chose names after famous American icons. This was interesting because it gave an idea of what the world culture of America was in 1997. This perception or American culture isn’t still completely true today as our hero’s and icons have changed since then, but the idea that major icons has a lot to do with culture stays true throughout every generation. And although this isn’t really giving us as readers more insight to Chinese culture, it does give us more ideas about what culture could mean, because China also has major political and social figures that have absolutely affected and perhaps changed their culture, just like “Armstrong” or “Hellen Keller” did to ours. 

Post 1

There are many issues of culture that Hessler, an American teacher, talks about in the first 25 pages of River Town. In some instances, he does not really understand why the Fuling people do the things they do. A good example of a certain thing they did would be the constant pampering from the school in the beginning of their two years of teaching. They buy Adam, another American teacher, and Hessler a phone when it is not needed and they buy Adam a washing machine when he could just use Hessler’s. It might be because Fuling staff of the school are trying to make Adam and Hessler feel comfortable. However, for Adam and Hessler it is uncomfortable when people buy them expensive things when they can’t give anything in return. Adam and Hessler at one point try really hard to convince them that they don’t need them to buy tennis.
Another good example is that Hesssler doesn’t really understand why the students do these routines every morning.  After reading from one of his student’s journals he was able to understand the importance of the military routines they do. That routine “makes them (the students) understand that it is not easy to obtain our present life (16)”. A lot of these journal entries from the students help Adam and Hessler understand the issues of culture that they accidentally put themselves into. Some examples of these issues would be the way Adam and Hessler casually dress for class or a comment on someone’s freckles that might be interpreted as an insult. However, known of the mistakes they make are taken to heart since they are foreigners and don’t really understand Fuling’s culture.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blog post 1

In the first 25 pages of River Town, there are several issues in the Chinese cultural that are brought up. Most of the issues that struck me were about women and how they are expected to act in society. On the west side of China, women can marry and divorce, as they please. They are also known to be more sexual and open The women on the east are more conservative and refined. However, all women in the Chinese culture are known to be elegant and are to be treated with respect, no matter what part they are from. When Adam Meier, Hessler's colleague and fellow American, compliments a student on her freckles, that is taken as an embarrassment to her, because it is something that is forbidden and rude to say to women. Meier begins to tell her that it is a compliment in the American culture and not the be taken badly. Hessler showed how delicate the Chinese culture is when a simple compliment turned into an awkward and uncomfortable situation. The Chinese culture is less opened, compared to America because of their beliefs and routines they are forced to face on a daily basis. As Hessler continues his stay in China, he learns to not to be so naive when it comes to living in a different cultural lifestyle. Being the only two Americans in the city, Hessler and Meier experience a huge culture shock coming into China, just as the Chinese did when Americans came into their country.

First Blog Post

While reading the first 25 pages, I came across issues relating to culture and culture conflicts. One of the very first culture issues was the role of women and what should be expected of them. On one side of China women are free to marry and divorce who that want to but on the other side of China it is not their choice. The amount of freedom and respect that women get varies greatly between the two sides. Hessler gives a good example of how women are viewed in Chinese culture when he describes a teacher tying her jacket around her waist. The students looked at the teacher oddly because they were not used to a woman removing any article of clothing in front of them. From Hessler's view, as well as many other Americans, there was nothing wrong with a person removing an article of clothing in public as long as it's not revealing any private areas. Living in an area with such strick customs and a very prominent culture, Hessler had to get used to doing things their way. One thing I found very reward was that when Hessler would do something his way without noticing that he isn't following their custom the teachers were willing to help him fix his mistake in a nice manner. That shows that despite their culture difference they are willing to help Hessler learn their culture so that he wouldn't have to learn it the hard way on his own.

Blog Post #1

What issues relating to culture do you see in these first 25 pages of River Town?  How is Peter Hessler approaching the issue of cultures or cultures in conflict?  Please respond in 250-350 words before class on Wednesday.

Throughout the entirety of the first twenty-five pages of River Town, Peter Hessler touches on many issues of culture conflict. He talks about how there are the different sides of China (East & West) where one side the women may marry and divorce whoever they please as supposed to the opposite side where that would not be welcomed at all. He gives a very specific example of when he was in class and the woman teacher took off her jacket and tied it around her waste. This shocked many of the students because they were not used to a woman somewhat undressing in front of them because it was not part of their culture where a woman was "allowed" to do that sort of thing. He also explains how some teachers would embarrass their students "due to their absence of Chinese custom. We Chinese have our own taboos. We never make frivolous remarks about people's appearanc. But one of these two American teachers broke this taboo once in class. But I think, with the time on, up their knowledge of Chinese daily life, would some embarransements be avoided." (19). Clearly Hessler had to go through many culture shocks and changes when changing countries and realizing when he was doing something "out of culture." Thankfully he shares that sometimes when he would do something unknowingly against the culture, the civilians would quietly point it out and help him to fix it so he would not make that mistake again. 

Mackenzie Ogden

Monday, January 28, 2013

What issues relating to culture do you see in these first 25 pages of River Town?  How is Peter Hessler approaching the issue of cultures or cultures in conflict?  Please respond in 250-350 words before class on Wednesday.